
Wellness for my laundry

Corona Maske Junge
Corona Maske Mädchen

Zutritt nur mit aufge-setzter FFP2-Maske!

Corona regulations

Please take care of your health and follow the rules of conduct required by law due to the pandemic when using the laundromat:

Mask on!

Entering the laundromat is only permitted with the legally required covering of mouth and nose.

Keep your distance!

Keep the legally required minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other persons.

No groups!

Do not form groups.

Wait outside!

Spend the waiting time outside the laundromat.

Logo klein


braunschweigs laundromat no. 1

bültenweg 80

38106 braunschweig


© 2023

terms and conditions

legal disclosure

contact 01515 - 66 88 11 2  (no 24/7 service. try again later if necessary)
